Ralph Baer v/s Atari

ATARI Lo que nos ha unido en el tiempo. XL XE ST 2600 7800 Jaguar Lynx.
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Registrado: Mar Nov 07, 2006 6:54 pm
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Ralph Baer v/s Atari

Mensaje por KOF1LOBO »

Si bien Atari le pago a Baer una "licensia" del PONG mediante un acuerdo judicial, ya que Baer reclamaba que Bushnell habia pirateado su juego de tennis, el famoso SIMON que Baer creó sería una copia del juego "Touch Me" de atari...


http://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detai ... e_id=12694

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Mensaje por m_estrugo »

Ya hablé del tema en mi blog... hice un estudio acerca del Simon (o Sáimon) hace ya bastantes meses...

http://cabrosdelos80.com/joomla/index.p ... &Itemid=35

Y además descubrí la historia del desarrollo del juego, que está disponible acá:
http://www.dieterkoenig.at/ccc/english/ ... _simon.htm
Atari had several coin-op units at the show. One of these was “Touch-Me” and thereby hangs the present tale:

Howard Morrison also saw “Touch Me” and played it.
Some time later, we discussed the game. We both came to the same conclusion: Nice game idea, terrible execution ... visually lousy, miserable sounds!

It was then that we decided that doing a hand-held game using “Touch-Me’s” basic, generic game play of “Simon Says” was worth a shot. We outlined a brief spec for what we called our “Follow-Me” game.
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